1939 All Over Again


These world wide protests that are springing up are stoking the flames of hatred and anti-Semitism. Why aren’t Muslims and Muslim-Americans protesting and demanding the release of all hostages?? No matter what side of the political aisle you’re on, the world should be able to come together and agree that the slaughter and massacre of innocents is evil. Hamas is attempting to release hostages in dribs and drabs, in order to delay the ground invasion from the IDF.

Anti-Semitism is alive and well in the United States. Yesterday, 10/26, a group of Jewish students were forced to shelter in place, and barricaded themselves in, at Cooper Union, while anti-Semites pounded on the door trying to gain access to them.

Rest assured, if a group of black students had to barricade themselves in a university library because the KKK was trying to hurt them, it would be reported on every newspaper, and definitely on C(uNextTuesday)NN!!

What about the disgusting images displayed on the buildings of George Washington University in support of the massacres. These students who spew this hate and terrorize Jews should be expelled and spit out of the academic community, and face serious legal consequences. I fail to understand how these college students find the time to protest about anything. When I was in school, I was too busy studying! Traditionally, Jews do not protest. Not only is it not in their DNA, but, most of them are too busy being doctors, lawyers, engineers, and scientists to protest.

WTF is going on with our feckless leader!!! Iranian proxys continue to target our military bases, making our US soldiers like sitting ducks. Bi-dumb’s tepid response is like a fly swatter trying to combat an elephant. He should be bombing them back to the Stone Age!

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One response to “1939 All Over Again”

  1. Paul Scheingold Avatar
    Paul Scheingold

    Kristallnacht is alive and well in the streets of London, Paris, and NYC. Hard to stand by and watch the government do nothing = silence is consent

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