Election Interference?


Senator Schmucker is a national disgrace! Over this past weekend, the senior United States NY Senator stood on the Senate floor and read a speech demanding Israel have new elections for the purpose of removing Netanyahu. The Senator did this in his professional capacity, He called Bibi an obstacle to peace. HOW DARE HE!! Israel is our only democratic ally in the Middle East. It is a true democracy, and not some banana republic!! They have elections, just like we do, and it’s up to the Israeli people to choose their leader, NOT asshole Chuck!!

To add insult to injury, Chuck’s comments weren’t made at a bar when he was sloshed, or heard on a hot mic. They were deliberate in nature, and spoken on the Senate floor. I’m sure Biden was not only fully aware of his speech, but, picked him to deliver it because, unfortunately, he is a JEW!! Schmuck Schmucker missed his calling-he could have been a wonderful candidate for being a Sonderkommando during the Holocaust!! P.S. Bibi is pissed!

Bi-dumb is a big douchebag! Playing both sides of the fence, due to his political aspirations.

It also amazes anyone with half a brain that the Dems will publicly try to interfere in a sovereign nation’s elections and not bat an eye, yet, the Orange One was persecuted over Russian collusion and election interference, all of which was false!

Media Madness!

The media is in full swing, taking Orange Daddy’s words totally out of context and bastardizing them for consumption. When the Orange One spoke recently, and used the term bloodbath, he was referring to the auto industry, and how if he’s elected, he won’t allow China to take financial advantage of us. The media just ran with the term bloodbath, totally out of context.

Avenge Laken Riley!

During the weekend, the 45th President spoke the name of murdered nursing student, Laken Riley. Bi-dumb has blood on his hands. That beautiful and ambitious young lady would be alive, had that illegal piece of shit not been in our country in the first place. To date, President Numb Nuts has never reached out to her parents and during the SOTU address, he was shamed into mentioning her name, which he couldn’t even get right. He called her Lincoln Riley.

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2 responses to “Election Interference?”

  1. Lou Mamone Avatar
    Lou Mamone

    It is unbelievable the morons that are in charge of our country
    Stupidity at every turn

    1. D Avatar

      Stupidity, the new pandemic! (And the old pandemic!)

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