Our Values


You’re right, Nancy!!

Fox News reported that the former SOTH was interviewed, and stated that Trump supporters don’t share our values. You’re finally correct Nancy, WE DON’T!!!!!!! Supporters of 45:

  • Love this country
  • Are extremely patriotic
  • Recite the Pledge of Allegiance
  • Stand for the National Anthem
  • Know there are only two genders
    • “Follow the science!” (everyone on the Left)
  • Know that parents are the ultimate guardians of their children
  • Believe in God
  • Defend our loved ones, homes, and property,
  • Definitely don’t go rioting or stealing televisions when something happens that we don’t like, and finally:
  • Believe that the only way you should enter this country is LEGALLY
    • Learn English,
    • And assimilate!

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One response to “Our Values”

  1. Paul Scheingold Avatar
    Paul Scheingold

    Conservatism is the default ideology

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