The Dem Congresswoman, RT (D-MI12): censured! Thank God this vile woman was censured. Her Jew hatred was just deplorable, and thankfully, 22 Democrats had the balls to break from their party and vote for censure. As a member of Congress, you have the privilege of having a national platform, but, with that privilege comes extreme responsibility to make sure what you’re saying is accurate, and not stoking hatred.
Censuring her is not about taking away her freedom of speech, it’s about hate speech. In any job, let alone Congress, there is a code of conduct that one must follow. Violations of that code of conduct can, and should, result in consequences.
These should include:
- loss of a job
- being expelled from a school
- and being censured
Just because this vile
is the only Palestinian in Congress, doesn’t give her free reign to say whatever the hell she wants! Its just too bad that she can’t be expelled from Congress and humanity!
Let me know what you think!