Southern Border Psychosis!


Our current president has skipped visiting the border to view the crisis firsthand! Just wait until we get drug resistant TB in our communities! The Democrats keep saying our border is secure! I guess we shouldn’t believe our own eyes!

It’s wonderful when we see migrants coming in with teardrops tattooed on their faces, indicating they’ve killed someone/gang life/incarceration. They wear this as a badge of honor. Don’t worry, I’m sure when they set foot on American soil, they will continue their murderous ways.

Oh, and by the way, in a stunning new low, major cities are encouraging their citizens to carry Narcan with them. So, when you go out, take your wallet, keys, and Narcan!! Unbelievable. Fentanyl – another wonderful treat the illegals have brought into America. This needs to be stopped at the southern border, not wait until it infiltrates our cities and kills our citizens. This is an absolute policy disaster.

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4 responses to “Southern Border Psychosis!”

  1. Paul Scheingold Avatar
    Paul Scheingold

    At the current rate of illegal immigration we will no longer have a country within a decade, meanwhile our currency is collapsing 😞

    1. D Avatar

      Meanwhile, the ultra rich won’t be affected because they live behind their own walls, have private security and will likely short the stock market when they know the collapse is imminent, thus making them even richer! Funny how numb nuts-in-chief is having Orange Daddy’s wall built!

  2. Paul Scheingold Avatar
    Paul Scheingold

    Now there’s mass cancellation of hotel reservations to make room for the “migrants”,, and it’s all being funded by we the taxpayers!!

    1. D Avatar

      $ well spent!

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