The Joy of Red State


Hi Y’all, just came back from a week in Nashville, Tennessee. It was great to be in a RED STATE!! One of the amazing things we did was shooting at a local range. When we registered, we had to fill out a form where only two options were given for sex, male or female. Apparently at the range they follow the science, unlike the WHPS, who answered that gender is a complicated issue. The current administration is always telling us to follow the science. They should take their own advice!!! If you have a penis, you’re a man 👨. If you have a vagina, you’re a woman 👩 .

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4 responses to “The Joy of Red State”

  1. Paul Scheingold Avatar
    Paul Scheingold

    These gender confused dudes think if they wear makeup and a dress that somehow makes them a woman!! Even after they get a “banana split” they’re still not a woman,, they just become a eunuch! 😅

    1. D Avatar

      A banana split should only be available in an ice cream shop (shoppe, for the blue states!)!

      1. Paul Scheingold Avatar
        Paul Scheingold

        Maybe Darwin was right about natural selection- let the fools self sterilize themselves… as long as they’re over 18. I will never apologize for being hopelessly hetero!

  2. Paul Scheingold Avatar
    Paul Scheingold

    Like the “days of Noah”

Let me know what you think!