The Nature Of The Beast


Whenever pro-Palestinian/Hamas rallies take place across the US, they are loud, violent, and burn American flags! In sharp contrast, on 11/14/2023, a pro Israel rally was totally peaceful, hundreds of thousands showed up. The demonstrators, not protesters, displayed Israeli and American flags, but did not burn them!! God is on our side. This is a fight between good and evil.

Their Flag Is Death

I just heard that in North Andover, Massachusetts, they’re allowing the Palestinian flag to fly in the town square. They actually had a town meeting about flying the flag! Why is this even up for discussion!! This is a terrorist group that wants to exterminate Jews. All Jews, in Israel, and the rest of the world are their target.

One of the news commentators said that flying a flag shouldn’t matter. He mentioned countless Ukrainian and Israeli flags that Americans fly with pride and to show support. I can agree, only up to a point. The flags I mentioned are of countries that are not hell bent on genocide.

Pop Quiz!

For any Lefty that stumbled across this post and is triggered (good!), shaking with rage (there are meds for that!) and screaming until they are red in the face (careful, your blood pressure!), remember this: When there have been wars throughout history, a country trying to minimize collateral damage (civilians) is known as the “Good Guys.” Israel is trying very hard to sort out the civilians from the enemy combatants. Decent leaders do NOT put their bases of operation in schools or hospitals! Hamas does because they know that Israel will try NOT to put women and children in harm’s way. For those who equate the Nazis with the Israelis, and not Hamas, I say answer: who did this?:

  • round up civilians and put in death camps
  • execute said civilians
  • execute dissenting members of their own
  • try for world occupation
  • genocide for anyone who is “them”

Ready for the answer? Nazis and Hamas. If you don’t believe that Hamas wants to be worldwide, without any Jews, Christians, etc., in essence, “them,” wake up!

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