They’re Coming For Our Guns!!


The Democratic governor of New Mexico has ordered the suspension of open and concealed carry of guns in Albuquerque. This governor took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution in her home state. This proposed suspension will in effect disarm law abiding citizens of their 2nd Amendment right to protect and defend themselves and their families. Criminals are not going to stop robbing and shooting people because of this suspension.

I don’t know which is worse, her ignorance, or her arrogance!! Americans, now more than ever, need to have the ability to defend themselves, their families, and their property!! I feel as though the Governor floated out this idea as a sort of trial balloon for the rest of her Democratic friends.

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One response to “They’re Coming For Our Guns!!”

  1. Paul Scheingold Avatar
    Paul Scheingold

    I think the state of NY just had to pay the NRA a settlement for doing essentially the same thing!

Let me know what you think!